Shamanic Rose Spiral

with Grey Elk & White Feathers Woman.

Join us for a journey to go deep into your own heart to connect and embrace your own shamanic rose as you heal and root your soul to empower yourself.

We are Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Connect to your element and the rose within your heart, know it, become it, breathe it… join us!


Thank you for visiting! The retreats for the shamanic rose spiral are held either on the beautiful green island of São Miguel or in the magical green island of Eire (Ireland).

Welcome rosy one! Honoured that you feel to visit our page! The Shamanic Rose Spiral is a journey of healing and combines energies from some of the oldest traditions on Earth. At the core of it is the intent to help you to open your heart to your own shamanic rose, balancing masculine and feminine within the self as you ground your soul fully into your body opening your sacred medicine to a new level. It is a path to embrace the deepest healing of Self as you embrace and become one with the Roses and the Spirits of the Elements as you allow yourself fully to become a vessel for Source to do the work you really came here to do as a Soul. It helps to open your heart, and connect to the shamanic rose within in you as you heal and deepen into your being.

About the Spiral!

Grey Elk and White Feathers Woman give an introduction about the Shamanic Rose Spiral! Enjoy! Thank you!

About the Shamanic Rose Spiral

The Shamanic Rose Spiral is a journey of deep healing into the shamanic rose within your own heart. It is a coming into wholeness and heart centered balance within the self. It has been carefully weaved to include the soul medicine from both Grey Elk and White Feathers Woman, the masculine and the feminine, from years of experience, to gift you a journey that will take you deep into your heart and soul to heal what is needs to be healed and to help you discover the unique rose medicine within your heart as you work towards knowing your true self. All our work is aligned with your I AM Presence and we trust in the Power of Great Spirit as we are the vessels to serve you and to hold your hand when you need it.

This course combines an online part (which can also be taken separately) with an intensive 7 day 8 night retreat either on the beautiful island of São Miguel, Azores where Plato said part of Atlantis was, or in Eire (Ireland), which is connected to the heart energy of the world. This spiral is about allowing yourself to immerse in your own shamanic rose healing journey to help with your ascension and your opening to the sacred rose portals of the heart and soul. It is also about discovering your own rose aligned to your true self and connecting with that on a deeper level. Shamanic healing, like the healing with the roses, is one of the oldest traditions on Earth, yet one of the most relevant to today. Shamanism, to us, is one of the most incredible ways to help people to reconnect back to themselves and the true self within and when combined with the energy of the rose is opens to a deeper layer of heart felt love. The roses were used as ancient codes for the work with the sacred feminine by the Sisterhood of the Rose and the Rose Knights and have a special and very deep ability to open the heart, and heal the injured aspect of self that has been caught up in division, especially between the masculine and the feminine as we move back to the One Heart of Love in Community.

Grey Elk (Paul O’Halloran) (Shaman) and White Feathers Woman (Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes) Water Rose Priestess and Medicine Woman are the retreat leaders for this retreat. For specific details on the shamanic rose spiral see here.

Pathway teaching School of Shamanism

The Pathway teaching School of Shamanism is made up of Grey Elk (Paul O’Halloran) and White Feathers Woman (Melanie O’Halloran-Gomes) and our wonderful helpers. Please read more about us here. This is a shamanic rose spiral that is combining 2 forms of very ancient medicine (rose medicine and shamanic medicine) in a balanced way. Both Grey Elk and White Feathers Woman lead this spiral and it is made of an online component and an intensive retreat either in Eire (Ireland) or São Miguel Azores. More information here and if you wish to be kept informed please sign up to the email newsletter at the bottom of thank you!

Every one who wishes to join an intensive will have an interview (free) with Melanie and Paul to check you feel its right and we also feel we can help you. Thank you for your understanding.